Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Classical Christian Education: My New Calling

Education has been my life. I have known nothing but school for as long as I can remember. After high school I immediately went to SBU. After SBU I went to Southern Seminary. After SBTS there was a year and a half break followed by returning to continue my theological education at Southwestern Seminary. I am now moving into a role on the other side of the classroom. I'll be a teacher. You can read about how this transpired here.

I have been preparing for the gospel ministry since I was 15 years old. I have had the desire to be a pastor for over half my life. Yet, through God's providence, that desire has been left mostly unfulfilled. I have been following what I believed God was calling me to, and I will continue to do so. In making this change of direction I do not believe for a minute that I will be leaving behind my calling. In short, God has called me to teach and preach the Bible, and in this new role I will be teaching the Bible daily. I hope that as time goes on and we get plugged in to a local church that opportunities for preaching will also come. I will keep busy with what God is giving me to do in the meantime.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Axioms for a Great Commission Resurgence

I got to listen to Dr. Danny Akin's chapel message at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary yesterday and he has some very important things to say about the Southern Baptist Convention. You can listen here, or read the manuscript here.

Update: 5/1/09

There has also been a website launched where you can sign up to show your support for a Great Commission Resurgence.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

So I Will Come

Come, sinners, view the Lamb of God,
Wounded and dying, bathed in blood!
Behold His side, and venture near,
The well of endless life is here.
Here I forget my cares and pains
And find a drink whose pow’r remains;
Only the fountain-head above
Can satisfy the thirst of love.

So I will come and view the cross
Where mercy answered righteousness;
The spotless Lamb of God was slain
For this unworthy, helpless sinner’s gain!

His thorns and nails pierce through my heart,
In ev’ry groan I bear a part;
I view His wounds with streaming eyes:
But see! He bows His head and dies!
Oh that I thus could always feel!
Lord, more and more Your love reveal!
Then my glad tongue shall loud proclaim
The grace and glory of Your name.

John Newton (1725-1807) / David L. Ward
© 2008

Listen Here

Friday, April 10, 2009

How to Do Family Devotions With Small Children

I'm thankful to a friend from Southern Seminary who shared this on his blog. Check this out.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Founders Ministries Blog: How to stay out of debt

Tom Ascol has posted a video with a little known secret for how to stay out of debt and stay there. Check it out.